Club Mouthguards available now

Horncastle Hockey Club are happy to announce that custom club mouthguards / gumshields are available from Opro!! Our very own Emily Tokelove is a qualified dental nurse and approved by Opro to take dental impressions. Information on the Opro website states the following; Custom Mouthguards made by taking dental impressions adapt far more closely to teeth than boil-and-bites. The reason for this is simple – the machines that make custom mouthguards work at far higher temperatures than can be applied in the mouth and at pressures many times greater than can be produced by biting and sucking! For exactly the same heat and pressure reasons, the thickness of a Custom Mouthguard can be optimised in the laboratory, whereas a boil and bite will be thinner and will vary widely depending on the user.
Custom Horncastle Hockey Club Mouthguards are available to order from Opro with an impression visit being undertaken at the club (date to be confirmed). The ordering process is detailed below;
If you would like to order a custom fit mouthguard you can do this via the Opro website using the link below.
You will need to complete the required information, firstly by selecting School/Club under the Design tab, and then the protection level you desire.
You will also need to confirm the impression method, you will be given the option of an ‘Impression Visit’ or a ‘Home Impression Kit’. You will need to select ‘Impression Visit’, this lets us know that you would like to be seen at the Club Visit.
Once you have entered the wearer’s name and moved on to the next step, you will be asked to confirm their date of birth and Orthodontic Status (whether or not you wear a brace). You will then need to type in the Club name. From here, you can add the mouthguard to the basket and checkout.
Once you have completed the checkout process you will receive an automated email confirming the web order (this also acts as your payment receipt).
These mouthguards are available now and start at £60.